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Jake Beasant
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Privacy Policy: CryptocasinosUK.net

By visiting our website, CryptocasinosUK.net, you consent to the collection and use of your data.
But what does that mean? This privacy policy outlines how we gather your data, what we use it for, and what rights you have as a user. It is essential that we also clarify that, as a brand, we respect you and your information and strive to keep the data we accrue safe and secure.

What Data We Collect

Each time you access, browse and interact with our website, you voluntarily provide data. We then collect this information, which encompasses:

Data You Share

When accessing features on our site, like signing up to receive email newsletters, notifications, or promotional offerings, you supply us with data such as your full name, contact number, current email address, and, in some cases, a physical address.

Log and Usage Information

Each time you access our website, you leave behind data parcels that are automatically recorded. This information is specific to your IT systems. It may include details on the device (mobile, laptop, desktop computer) you use to access our platform, what operating system your device is running, when and how frequently you visit our website, how you reached our site, and your IP address.

This information is then collated to provide us with details on the kinds of users we attract and what devices or operating systems are most popular. We can then use this information to streamline our offerings and optimise our website to function better according to your needs as a user. We can also use these data parcels to measure how visible our website is and what we need to work on to position it better for the audience we want to target.

Ways In Which We Gather Data

At CryptocasinosUK.net, we use several methods to accrue data, including:


If you’ve visited any other website, you may already know about cookies and the little pop-ups that ask you to accept or decline the cookies from that site. At CryptocasinosUK.net, we have them too.
Cookies are tiny data files that store details like your username and password, which the website uses as a marker to recognise you each time you visit that site. When you accept a website’s cookies, you grant the site permission to store its cookies file on your device, and it is here that all of your browsing information is kept.

The website then accesses this file each time you visit it so that it knows what information, articles, or products to show you based on your previous browsing history. Essentially, cookies help a website tailor your experience and show you those things you may find most useful or interesting.

At CryptocasinosUK.net, we use cookies to provide you with an exciting and customised experience of our website. However, while we use cookies, you are in no way obligated to accept them; they are purely there to offer you a more personalised experience. If you have visited us before and accepted our cookies then, and you would like to remove them, you can do this easily by amending your cookies preferences, which can be found under your browser system settings.

We would also like to disclose that you may also find third-party cookies on our site, in cases where there are links to external pages, images, or advertisements. However, CryptocasinosUK.net’s Privacy Policy does not cover nor apply to these external organisations or the cookies they may provide. Should you wish to review the Privacy Policies covering these third-party cookies, please visit that particular provider and review their independent Privacy Policy.

Promotional Offers, Newsletters, and Notifications

CryptocasinosUK.net may offer several features that you, as a user, can make use of, including exciting newsletters, informative notifications, and top promotional offers. However, to claim or participate in these, you may need to sign up for them. When signing up, you’ll often need to provide details such as your name and email address, and we may collect this data. However, these details will be removed from our systems in the event that you choose to unsubscribe from the feature for which you have signed up.

Disclosure of Information and Co-Registration Consent

The nature of our website and offerings requires close collaboration with independent marketing partners, sponsors, and advertisers. One of the many relationships we have with these external organisations is the curating and offering of promotions for our users to take advantage of.

In situations where you apply for or register to receive a promotional offering that we have created in partnership with one of our marketing affiliates, a process referred to as co-registration takes place. Co-registration specifies that any information that you provide us when signing up for the promotion, which has been co-created by ourselves and a third party, may be disclosed by us to said third party.

However, it is important to note that the Privacy Policy of CryptocasinosUK.net does not apply to these third parties. These external organisations have Privacy Policies of their own, and should you wish to deregister from the promotions you have signed up for, you will need to contact these third parties independently.

Content Provided by External Sources and Advertisers

Our affiliation with third-party advertisers and marketers includes contracts that allow these organisations to place marketing offerings, images, links, sponsored guides, videos, graphics, and advertisements on our websites. Clicking on or interacting with these placed elements may redirect you to that particular advertiser’s own website.
These third-party placements within our own website operate independently and are an extension of the website to which they are linked. As such, these features may apply cookies, track your interactions, and collect your data.

However, these data collections fall under the Privacy Policies associated with these third-party establishments.
As such, while these marketing and advertising elements appear on CryptocasinosUK.net’s website, we are in no way liable for the practices, content, or policies they provide. Further to this, by clicking on or interacting with any of these offerings provided by our marketing or advertising partners, you do so at your own risk.

The Manner in Which We Process/Use Your Data

CryptocasinosUK.net gathers your data not as a means of intrusion or personal violation but rather in an effort to optimise the experience you have on our website. As such, the data we collect is used and processed only to provide our users with a personalised experience of the platform and offerings we provide. In essence, we use your collected data to:

  • To offer a more relevant and personalised experience to those who visit our website through the continual review of data collected.
  • To address any issues or problems users may experience on our website by streamlining the overall UX design, functionality, and responsiveness of our platform in accordance with the collected data.
  • To consistently boost user support and customer service offerings, allowing for timely responses and efficient support.
  • To keep tabs on usage patterns and current trends, which in turn allows us to frequently add to our services and offerings and provide features which our users are seeking.
  • To maintain compliance in all areas and legal duties.
  • To ensure our terms of use are adhered to by all visitors to the site, ensuring ongoing user safety.

Data Disclosure at CryptocasinosUK.net

In using the services, offerings, features, and website provided by CryptocasinosUK.net, you authorise the collection and processing of your data. In some instances, we may be required to disclose some information. Those with who we may share your data include:

  • Those with whom we collaborate to provide the promotional offers and features we provide for our users.
  • Service providers who work for CryptocasinosUK.net in the regulation and maintenance of our online platform.
  • Third-party analytics organisations and advertisers who track our user trends and usage patterns and supply us with this information.
  • Legal authorities that work in conjunction with the law may, at times, require our cooperation and compliance. In these cases, we are required to supply these entities with data. Further, we do this to provide a secure platform and preserve the rights of all users, employees, and the business at large.

How Long Does CryptocasinosUK.net Keep My Data?

There is no limit on how long we may retain your data. However, you can decide on whether your data is scrubbed from our records by applying to unsubscribe from the features for which you initially signed up.
When you register for newsletters, promos, and notifications, you provide us with details like your name and contact information. We will store this information on file until such a time that you request we remove it by unsubscribing.
If you have accepted our cookies and would like to remove our cookies from your device, you can do so easily by visiting the cookies settings which are located under your device’s web browser settings.

What Rights Do I Have Regarding My Data?

As a user who has used our website or subscribed to promotional offerings or additional features like notifications or newsletters, you have rights in terms of the information we collect and how it is processed.

You can submit a request for an export file from us detailing all the data we have gathered pertaining to your person and how this specific data was accrued. However, please be advised that we may only supply you with information regarding your individual person and we may not, by law, supply you details on data pertaining to another individual. All requests for details by you on another individual are prohibited unless the instance refers to information regarding a minor.

After you have reviewed the details within the export file, you have the right to request that we, CryptocasinosUK.net, remove all data regarding your specific person from our logs. However, please bear in mind that one exception applies, which prohibits us from eliminating any data which may be required for security or legal purposes.

Privacy Regarding Minors

CryptocasinosUK.net is an online gambling-focused platform curated for the use of individuals who are of legal gambling age (18+). However, in the instance that a minor encounters our website and registers for any promotional or other offerings which would lead to the accrual of their personal data, please contact us immediately to resolve the issue. We take every precaution to avoid this occurring and assure you that any information gathered on minors is done so unknowingly and without intent.

Revisions to the CryptocasinosUK.net Privacy Policy

CryptocasinosUK.net has the right, legally, to edit, alter, or amend this document at any point. However, in keeping with our focus on transparency, we will highlight any and all additions or amendments to this document.
For this reason, we recommend regularly revisiting this document to remain up-to-date with any changes that may affect you as a user.

However, please be advised that we, as a brand, value you our users and continually strive to provide a safe, secure platform and respect and safeguard your data and privacy.

Get in Touch

In the event that you have any comments, queries, or concerns pertaining to this Privacy Policy or the information that we gather and process, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Jake Beasant
Jake Beasant

Jake is a seasoned writer with a long-standing career in the world of online and crypto gambling. Equipped with a degree in Media and Journalism and a vast knowledge of casino gaming and sports betting, Jake aims to inform readers through easy-to-read guides and articles.

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